Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

In this article, as necessary, Imam Khomeini's defense military views and ideas will be discussed, specifically in the field of disarmament and arms control. The main purpose is to answer the basic question: "What was the goal and meaning of Imam Khomeini's approach to disarmament and arms control? The temporary answer is that Imam Khomeini was thinking about weapons of mass destruction, Disarmament, and controlling the conventional weapons of arms.

Monday, October 24, 2022 03:33

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Imam Khomeini: Islam, today, is a trust in your hands. Do not betray it.

Imam Khomeini: Islam, today, is a trust in your hands. Do not betray it.

Sahifeh- ye- Imam, V 8, P 415

Sunday, October 23, 2022 03:36

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Imam Khomeini: I hope that Islam may be spread in the hands of sisters and brothers.

Imam Khomeini: I hope that Islam may be spread in the hands of sisters and brothers.

Sahifeh- ye- Imam, V 12, P 86

Thursday, October 20, 2022 10:41

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