Imam`s letter to the Soviet Union leader contained much wisdom and sound advice

Imam's letter to the Soviet Union leader contained much wisdom and sound advice

Imam Khomeini then suggested that, if Mikhail Gorbachev desired to become more familiar with Islamic concepts, the Soviet leader should command his scholars to study the philosophical works of al-Farabi, Avicenna, Sohravardi and Mullah Sadra to become familiar with the “nature of knowledge” which is different from the “nature of matter.”

Tuesday, January 09, 2024 06:38

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Learning sciences must pave way for refinement of soul and acquisition of virtues

Learning sciences must pave way for refinement of soul and acquisition of virtues

Imam Khomeini advised seminary students that the learning of these sciences in reality is an introduction to the refinement of the soul and the acquisition of virtue

Friday, September 15, 2023 12:28

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Imam Khomeini advised believers to gain true Knowledge

Imam Khomeini advised believers to gain true Knowledge

According to Imam Khomeini, a knowledge which would draw man closer to God, in a worldly soul brings him far distant from the place of the Almighty. Even the knowledge of divine unity (tawhid), if it is for anything other than God, it becomes a cover of darkness.

Friday, September 01, 2023 10:28

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God will not leave you unpaid, Imam Khomeini advised faithful people

God will not leave you unpaid, Imam Khomeini advised faithful people

Imam Khomeini through his theological works advised the faithful people to take some trouble on the way to God.

Saturday, August 05, 2023 03:30

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