Birth of Imam Khomeini on the 20th of Jamadí as-Sani was not a mere coincidence

Birth of Imam Khomeini on the 20th of Jamadí as-Sani was not a mere coincidence

The 20th of Jamadi as-Sani, the auspicious birth anniversary of the Most Noble Lady, Hazrat Fatema az-Zahra (peace be upon her), which is celebrated as “Mother’s Day in the Islamic Republic of Iran, was the day on which one of her devoted servants, the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (God bless his soul), was born.

Saturday, March 02, 2019 06:47

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Imam Khomeini never disrupted sleep or nap of anybody for morning prayers

Imam Khomeini never disrupted sleep or nap of anybody for morning prayers

It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam Khomeini never used to wake up anyone form sleep for the mid-night or morning prayers.

Saturday, March 02, 2019 02:09

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 Imam Khomeini encouraged children to say prayers even without ablution

Imam Khomeini encouraged children to say prayers even without ablution

It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam Khomeini had encouraged children to say their prayers even without taking Wudu, ablution, which is required for performing Salah.

Friday, March 01, 2019 10:59

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Imam Khomeini introduced Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) as exemplar

Imam Khomeini introduced Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) as exemplar

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic introduced Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) as an exemplar for all generations throughout the history.

Monday, February 25, 2019 12:35

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Imam Khomeini`s political and spiritual legacy

Imam Khomeini's political and spiritual legacy

Right from the beginning, Imam Khomeini did not suffice to Iran only and called upon all the Muslim nations to be united against the colonialism of the western powers.

Friday, February 01, 2019 01:29

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Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, had been dependent on the west throughout his rule – a source of anger among Iranian public, who had launched a struggle under leadership of Imam Khomeini against Shah and his western backers. The dependence on foreign powers had led to collapse of Shah regime.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 01:10

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An examination of talking models of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and the bases of that that is in the Quran and Hadith

An examination of talking models of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and the bases of that that is in the Quran ...

Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) based on beliefs bases emanating from the teachings of the generous Quran and the teachings of the innocent leaders has come to know principles and are attendant to them and they have influenced various aspects of his sayings including the appearance, method and the content of them.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 11:26

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