Imam Khomeini highlights need to regulate human instincts

Imam Khomeini highlights need to regulate human instincts

Imam Khomeini undertook serious discussions on the subject in his famous book of "An exposition on Forty Hadith".

According to Imam, none of the messengers of God have ever demanded to completely kill sensuality and desire or to extinguish the fire of passion or anger and ignore the inventions of imagination.

But they have rather advocated for controlling and bridling them and making them function under the command of reason and Divine Laws. For each one of these powers struggles to dominate others and win its goal, whatever mischief, chaos, and confusion may be stirred up, Imam Khomeini defined.

The great prophets of God were sent to this world with the light of Divine Laws. God revealed to them heavenly books, so that they may prevent people from indulging into extravagances and immoderations, and bring the human self under the control of reason and the divine lawTo bridle the human self is essential so that it may not exceed the measures of reason and divine law, he explains.

Hence, every individual who subordinates himself to the Divine Laws and principles of good sense is fortunate, and it is he who attains salvation.

He finds refuge in God, the Most Exalted and the Most High, from the dangers and misfortunes, which might befall him, and thus is saved from the disgrace of assuming those beastly and hideous forms that may accompany him in the Barzakh, in the grave and on the Last Day, as the result of his vicious deeds and corrupt practices.


Divine prophets came with aim of building human beings and societies, Imam Khomeini stressed

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