Imam searched for justice and prosperity for people

Musa Malee Nangelee, a writer and a literate from Uganda

In its inside the Islamic revolution has a powerful and attractive aspect and that has to do with the world

That thoughtful man (and that connotes that it is Imam Khomeini) whatever he has are justice and prosperity and he wants to have freedom; that great man searched for justice and prosperity for the people.  He was extraordinary, and I learned a lot from him. It was because of him that I wrote this book. It was Imam's greatness that influenced me.

 In many countries Imam and his thoughts have not be understood , have not been absorbed and have gone wrong; they do not see Imam as a revolutionary figure and they have not come to know his face and his soul to a good extent and basically they have not come to know his outlook ; and in Africa we need these subjects.

Musa Malee Nangelee, a writer and a literate from Uganda

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