Imam’s spirit won world’s hearts and minds

Zaidee, Shayesteh – a Pakistani researcher and a thinker

Imam Khomeini has a masterpiece and that is that he destroyed the mental stiffness of the Muslims; that revolution was not just a political one and in fact that had basic form and regarding that that was a scientific and mental one and that was revealing the mental and what was with respect to the thought of that and those had to do with the destiny of that.

Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) not only brought about messages regarding prostration and slavery  for Iran's general public and Muslim general publics but also for who were barefooted and were underdogs;  and  his proclamation was one that had to do with being awakened. We hope that that proclamation (that had to do with being awakened) and that belonged to Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) can influence the heart of all of the world's underdogs.

Zaidee, Shayesteh – a Pakistani researcher and a thinker

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