The centralities and the topics of the articles presented in the International Congress of Imam Khomeini and the Revival of Religious Beliefs are:
A: Definitions & Contexts
- Differences between reforming the religion and reviving it
- Territories to revive the religion
- Elements of the religion are probable to be forgotten
- The basis and wisdom principals of reviving the religion for Imam Khomeini
- Ways to revive (Islam) from the viewpoints and the practices of Imam Khomeini
B: The Horizon of the Religious Wisdom & Its Usages for Imam Khomeini
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the religious generality notion
- Imam Khomeini's practical manners, the total appearance of the religion generality
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the expectancy belief
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the religion's language (promoting the religious words and concepts)
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the religious traditions (Abrahamic Hajj, Friday prayer, Jihad and…)
- Imam Khomeini and giving the religious solutions to solve the national and global problems such as racism, the conflict between north and south, international organizations and transnationalism organization
C: Imam Khomeini & the Islamic Awakening
- Imam Khomeini's role to return the Muslims to their cultural identity and Islamic wisdom
- Imam Khomeini's impact in reviving the Islamic dimension of freedom movements
- Imam Khomeini and the thought of proximity among the school of thoughts and the Islamic nation's unity
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the Muslim women's character
- Imam Khomeini and reviving the dimensions of anti-poverty and justice seeking
D: Imam Khomeini & the Link between Religion & Politics
- Imam Khomeini and the relevance between democracy and theocracy
- Reviving the notion of faith in the Islamic government and religious leadership
- Imam Khomeini and the revival of the legislation authority
- Imam Khomeini's role in separating the Islamic governance and the Islam of government or the Islam of the courtier
E: Imam Khomeini & the Future of the Islamic World
- Imam Khomeini and the historical changes of the contemporary world
- Imam Khomeini and the future of the global Islamic revolution
- The mission of the Iranian Islamic revolution for the world of Islam's revolution
F: The Comparative Analysis of Islam in the Contemporary World
G: Imam Khomeini & the Revival of Religious Beliefs in the World
- Imam's Impact on the world of the Christianity
- Imam's impact on the freedom theology of Latin America and Africa
- Imam's impact on eastern Asia traditions
- Imam's impact on the approximation in monotheist religions
- Territories of the religion and science and Imam Khomeini's viewpoints
- Imam impact on the relevance and reconciliation between the science and religion, expanding the attention toward religion in academic and scientific organizations
- Imam's role on the divine religion purification movement
- Imam Khomeini's role on the religious zeal of religion believers and confronting the anti-religion belief
- The impact of Imam's order about Salman Rushdie on the religious zeal of the religion believers