So, the Islamic World should not keep quiet against the oppression and suppression of the Palestinians. Imam Khomeini revived the pro-Palestinian movements by naming the last Friday of Ramadan “the International Quds Day”, when the Zionists committed another crime in Lebanon.
Imam Khomeini later said that the Quds Day is the day of war of the oppressed against the oppressors.
Imam described it as the day of revival for Islam and Muslims by saing as following:
"Quds day is not only the day of Palestine; it is the day of Islamic government. It is the day in which the banner of Islamic Republic must be raised in all countries. It is the day in which we must give the superpowers to understand that they cannot advance in Islamic countries. I recognize Quds day as the day of Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is the day in which we must prepare all are might and bring Muslims out of the isolation they have been put into so that they can stand against foreigners with all their strength."
Imam Khomeini said in a speech about Quds day that it is the day "we should warn all superpowers that they must get back to their position… it is the day we must revive Islam and Islamic rules in Muslim countries… the day we should warn all superpowers that Islam is no longer under your dominion and it will never happen by your devil agents. Quds day is the day of revival of Islam."
On this day, the Muslims of the world take to the streets to condemn Israeli occupation, torture, crimes against humanity by bombardment of civilian targets and systematic killing of the young protesters demanding Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories of the Palestinians.
Palestine is the land of prophets and the first Qibla for the Muslims. For its special standing, it has always been attacked by others. 70 years ago, a regime was formed in the Holy Land by the help of the West, which was named “the cancerous tumor” by Imam Khomeini.

In the past 70 years, the Zionists have colonized the heart of the Islamic lands. The displacement of Palestinians started in 1947 and reached a peak in 1948 on Nakba Day. 650,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes on that day and today 4,000,000 Palestinians live out of their motherland in the neighboring countries’ camps. They all are suffering a thorn in their flesh.

The Islamic Revolution took place in a condition that Palestine was on the verge of eternal wipeout from the world map. Muslims were frustrated and disappointed with the defeat of the Arab states in the war against the West-supported Zionist. Israel kept up with occupation of the territories of Palestine with genocide of Palestinians.
Before the Quds Day came into being, Palestine was an Islamic-Arab issue, but after that the world got focused on Israeli war crimes, Israeli systematic killing of the Palestinian children came into limelight.
Islamic Revolution Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei once said that it is courageous of the European people and some Latin American countries to protest against the Zionist regime, which shows that the non-Muslim world has not been totally defeated by the wicked forces, whose Quranic name is Satan.
The Palestinian intifada started in 1987 with throwing stones at the Israeli occupiers, which showed their disappointment with political approach of the Arab states and the groups calling for compromise with Israel.

Iranian people removed the US- and West-supported Shah and proved that the power of the US is flimsy. The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine took form in 1980 as a reflection of Islamic Revolution in Iran. They believed in Armed oppositions. Hamas later joined the club.
The intifada created a rift among the Israeli parties and also between Washington and Tel Aviv. Suppressing the Intifada came at a deadly cost for Israel.
The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, like the Islamic Revolution of Iran, started from mosques. Muslims today have realized the power of public mobilization and the ineffectiveness of West-stricken intellectuals for saving Palestine.
Imam Khomeini once said that the Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor that can only be removed with the uprising of Muslims and the world’s weakened people against it.