Imam Khomeini stressed that Hajj must be used to defend the rights of Muslim ummah

Imam Khomeini stressed that Hajj must be used to defend the rights of Muslim ummah

As hundreds of thousands of Muslims embark upon a pilgrimage to the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, they must enter a particular state of purification and sanctity, known as the Ihram. In Arabic, Ihram means prohibition and a state of holiness.

Ihram is an obligatory prerequisite to Hajj. Muslims stop at a designated station to perform the rituals associated with wearing Ihram.

The stations of Miqat are the five prescribed places for Ihram, located at different directional corners from the Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Pilgrims perform ablution and cleanse their bodies. Then they wear Ihram and Make niyat, the intention of performing Hajj. Men are required to wear two pieces of white cloth that are unadorned and plain.

Women are not required to conform to a specific dress code but have to dress modestly. It is crucial to ensure that the clothes are neat and tidy.

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic stressed that the Hajj pilgrimage has been best opportunity to highlight problems facing the Muslim world.

Imam Khomeini through his historic messages emphasized the need for awareness of Muslims to use Hajj plateform to defend the rights of Muslim ummah. 

According to Imam, because of some false notions and rumors, Muslims have lost the courage to defend their rights.

What is the solution, and what is the responsibility of the Muslims and oppressed for dispelling these illusions?

Imam stressed that  the primary solution, from which emerges all other solutions for cutting the roots of these problems and eradicating corruption, is the unity of Muslims, rather the unity of all oppressed and enslaved peoples in the world.

According to Imam Khomeini’s thinking, this unity is gained through widespread tabligh and invitation. And the centre for this invitation and tabligh is the holy city of Makkah during the congregation of Muslims to perform the Hajj.

This was started by Ibrahim, continued by Muhammad and will be followed by Hadrat Mahdi (peace be upon them)

It was enjoined on Ibrahim to call people to Hajj to attend to their needs – that is, the political, social, economic and cultural issues of the society – and so that they could witness how God’s Prophet laid upon the altar the fruit of his life for the sake of God.

 They were called so that they, Adam’s progeny, should follow Ibrahim who broke all the idols and cast aside everything but God.

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