Real Identity of the Islamic Revolution from Imam Khomeini’s View, by Dr. Hamid Ansari

Real Identity of the Islamic Revolution from Imam Khomeini’s View, by Dr. Hamid Ansari

The supporters and defenders of the Islamic revolution consider it as a great phenomenon and transformation in our contemporary history which revived social, cultural and religious identity.

The establishment of the Islamic Republic left a great impact on the Muslim world and international arena.

However, from the views of opponents the factors for the victory of the Islamic Revolution must be analyzed and its expansion or emergence of similar movements in other parts of the world should be prevented. They also maintain that followers of other faiths or divine religions must be discouraged from following the footsteps and patterns of the revolution.

 The speedy unfolding events of the Islamic revolution in 1979 nearly made the supporters unable to present a real analysis about this phenomenon of great significance. Similarly, the critics were also not able to present a real approach which could predict all perspectives of the revolution’s influence in Iran, Islam and on international stage.

The imperial philosophers, sociologists and intellectual circles also were unable to conduct real researches at this sensitive juncture of the history.

However, at later stage when the foundations and institutions were formed and the aspects of export of the Islamic Revolution emerged, the defenders, critics and impartial scholar conducted several works in this regard.

 It is noteworthy that at the time of the Islamic Revolution’s victory, the capitalistic and communistic blocs were active and had divided the world under their influence.

However, the Islamic Revolution was taken seriously following the sudden collapse of the former Soviet union.

The capability of the both capitalism and communism was seriously challenged across the globe.  Here the Islamic Revolution presented itself with strong ideology and slogans of ‘neither the East nor the West’. The Islamic system under the wise leadership of the great Imam also revived spiritual values at the time when the whole world was plunging into moral and social decline. The Islamic Revolution gradually became model of human values and example of good governance among various academic circles.

Later decades, several research works were presented either by the supporters or critics in form of books or articles highlighting various judgments about the social, historical, cultural, economic and security aspects of the Islamic Revolution

On the favor of friends and supporters, several works including books, magazines have been published in this regard. For an instance, the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works and its affiliated college  have formed research department and research groups to presented several valuable works over the past few years. At least three volume bibliography have been published which enlist works and researches conducted regarding the Revolution.

No doubt several works have been published about the causes and roots of the Islamic Revolution over some past few years. However, on the auspicious occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, there is still a great space to look at the motives of the Islamic Revolution from the views and outlook of the founder of the Islamic Republic himself. 

I see it necessary to point out the differences between the Islamic Revolution and other movements from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini, the great religious and spiritual leader of our contemporary history.

For an instance, the great Imam Khomeini has revealed the real objectives of the Islamic Revolution in his ‘Last Will’ and said in this regard as following:  

“Undoubtedly, the secret of continuation of the revolution is same as was of its victory”

The great founder of Islamic Republic has unveiled his experiences and discoveries and made clear that the Islamic Revolution was pursuing divine and prophets’ mission.

 “We shouldn’t be doubtful about this fact that the Islamic Revolution of Iran is distinctive from other movements and revolutions in its all perspectives. It is distinctive in all aspects including its formation, struggle and motives,” the great Imam said in his Last Will.

Another factor which contributed to victory of the Islamic Revolution was Imam’s unprecedented faith and reliance on God the Almighty.

“This great Revolution which restricted influence of world cruel and oppressive powers from the greater Iran has emerged to victory with divine support and backing. In absence of God the Almighty’s backing, it was absolutely impossible that a population of 36 million launch a united uprising despite all the ongoing anti-Islamic propaganda. In absence of such motive, then it had been impossible for the nation to stand united and present astonishing sacrifice by reliance on divine power and chanting slogans of 'God is great’. In this way, the masses threw all major powers and took their destiny in their own hands.”

Imam also believed that the Islamic Revolution was a hidden divine gift granted to the oppressed and plundered nation of Iran. Islam and the government based on the Islamic principles is a divine phenomenon and this revolution is God’s souvenir and divine legacy. According to Imam, the revolution is continuation of the prophet’s mission and a manifestation of Ashura uprising.  

Imam has reiterated this message in various ways in all his speeches, messages and works. For an example, one of Imam’s political declaration starts with the following Quranic verse:

“I render you sole advice that you must rise up for sake of God the Almighty.”  

On other occasion, Imam mentions the key to secret of the victory of the Islamic Revolution as following:

“I suggest key to victory has been the nation itself. The future generations will learn throughout the history that the divine motive and formation of the Islamic government have been real objectives of the revolution. The gathering and rallies of the united masses across the country had been taking place to accomplish this purpose of great significance.

“I advise to present and future generations that if they intend to seek continuation of Islam and divine government and want to restrict the influence of domestic and world exploiters in the country.  Then they shouldn’t stick to these (above-mentioned) recommendations which are manifestation and reflection of Quranic views. This divine motive remains the key to victory and its continuation while ignoring these real objectives would be led to divisions.”   

It can be easily summed up that Imam Khomeini introduced faith in divine power as the major secret of the victory of Islamic revolution in various perspectives. He also reiterated on preservation of these objectives and the divine’s legacy for the future generations.

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