Palestinians stage massive anti-Israeli rallies on Nakba Day

Palestinians stage massive anti-Israeli rallies on Nakba Day

The Nakba Day is marked annually on May 15. It refers to the forcible expulsion of some 700,000 Palestinians from their lands following the creation of Israel in 1948 and their scattering across refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring countries.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 04:48

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Imam Khomeini defined purposes of Quranic verses

Imam Khomeini defined purposes of Quranic verses

According to Imam Khomeini, the major element in the Exegesis (Tafsir) of the Holy Quran is expressing the purposes of the verses of the Holy Quran and stating the intention of Allah the Almighty.

Sunday, May 05, 2019 08:07

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Martyr Motahari promoted rationality, stood against superstitious and wrong beliefs

Martyr Motahari promoted rationality, stood against superstitious and wrong beliefs

Martyr Ayatollah Morteza Motahari had been considered as right hand and one of the most literate scholars trusted by Imam Khomeini.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019 09:12

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 Iranian nation will never retreat, Imam Khomeini asserted after US scandalous defeat in Tabas

Iranian nation will never retreat, Imam Khomeini asserted after US scandalous defeat in Tabas

On April 25, 1980, the United States launched a covert military operation, known as Operation Eagle Claw, in an attempt to airlift the US embassy staff held in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Imam Khomeini said, "By this foolish display he (Carter) presumes that the Iranian nation will retreat while the nation of Iran is ready to sacrifice everything for Islam, independence and freedom."

Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:46

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Iranians mark historic US failure in Tabas Desert

Iranians mark historic US failure in Tabas Desert

Iran has marked the 39th anniversary of a failed US military operation in the central Tabas Desert that was launched in an attempt to release former US embassy staff held in Tehran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 12:35

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   Imam Khomeini stressed purification of the soul, realization of justice

Imam Khomeini stressed purification of the soul, realization of justice

From the Imam Khomeini’s perspective, spiritual journey, particularly mystical journey, and elevated moral qualities occupy a lofty standing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 11:30

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Iran displays latest achievements in defense sector

Iran displays latest achievements in defense sector

Iran has recently celebrated its National Army Day with large-scale military parades across the country, showcasing its latest achievements in the defense sector. Units of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army’s Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force and Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base took part in the nationwide parades on Thursday.

Monday, April 22, 2019 10:55

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Imam Khomeini called for nation`s military preparedness

Imam Khomeini called for nation's military preparedness

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, announced National Military Day just two months after the victory of Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Monday, April 15, 2019 01:09

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