Iran commemorates the 42nd anniversary of historic referendum

Iran commemorates the 42nd anniversary of historic referendum

Iran commemorates the 42nd anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic on the back of a historic referendum, in which Iranians voted overwhelmingly in favor of departure from monarchical rule weeks after the collapse of the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

Thursday, April 01, 2021 10:31

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President Rouhani says US failing to seize golden chance for win-win bargain on Iran deal

President Rouhani says US failing to seize golden chance for win-win bargain on Iran deal

President Hassan Rouhani has criticized the new US administration’s foot-dragging on a return to compliance with the multilateral nuclear deal with Iran that it abandoned in 2018, saying Washington has so far failed to seize the “golden chance” for a “win-win bargain.”

Thursday, April 01, 2021 08:53

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Emphasize on Justice

Emphasize on Justice

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:36

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President Rouhani says Iran, China determined to boost long-term strategic ties, fight terrorism

President Rouhani says Iran, China determined to boost long-term strategic ties, fight terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran and China are firmly determined to improve “strategic and long-term” cooperation in various political and economic fields and fight terrorism and extremism in the region.

Saturday, March 27, 2021 03:59

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Leader says US must lift all sanctions before Iran returns to JCPOA commitments

Leader says US must lift all sanctions before Iran returns to JCPOA commitments

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the United States must first lift all sanctions it has imposed on Tehran after unilaterally withdrawing from a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran before the Islamic Republic would return to full compliance with its its commitments under the deal.

Sunday, March 21, 2021 03:29

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Tehran holds international summit on Imam Khomeini and his Quranic ideals

Tehran holds international summit on Imam Khomeini and his Quranic ideals

An international summit is about to kick off at Imam Khomeini’s holy mausoleum where scholars will analyze his Quranic ideals and divine-oriented simple life style.

Tuesday, March 09, 2021 10:14

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