Iranians celebrate 44th anniversary of Islamic Revolution with nationwide rallies

Iranians celebrate 44th anniversary of Islamic Revolution with nationwide rallies

Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the country to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime in 1979.

Saturday, February 11, 2023 09:15

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Islamic Revolution anniversary: Unity key to defeating the enemies` hybrid warfare

Islamic Revolution anniversary: Unity key to defeating the enemies' hybrid warfare

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the key to defeating the enemies' hybrid warfare against the Iranian people is to maintain unity, calling on people to attend nationwide February 11 demonstrations.

Friday, February 10, 2023 12:34

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Congratulatory messages pour in on 44th anniversary of Islamic Revolution

Congratulatory messages pour in on 44th anniversary of Islamic Revolution

As Iran prepares to hold nationwide rallies on the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, messages have poured in from several world leaders, who felicitated the nation on overthrowing the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

Friday, February 10, 2023 12:07

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Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the vast country to condemn desecration of Islamic sanctities and acts of vandalism by rioters in the past few days.

Friday, September 23, 2022 09:50

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Millions of Shia pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arb’aeen

Millions of Shia pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arb’aeen

Millions of Shia Muslims from dozens of countries are converging on the Iraqi holy city of Karbala to commemorate Arba’een, the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), the third Shia Imam.

Sunday, September 11, 2022 10:12

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   Late poet Houshang Ebtehaj welcomed Imam’s homecoming and revolution victory

Late poet Houshang Ebtehaj welcomed Imam’s homecoming and revolution victory

At the time, Iranian great poet Amir Houshang Ebtehaj, wrote a piece of poetry to praise Imam Khomeini’s leadership and predicted the full victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 04:00

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Imam Khomeini promoted Islamic-democratic values

Imam Khomeini promoted Islamic-democratic values

Imam immediately held historic referendum immediately following the revolution which was approved by majority of the voters who voted in favor of the Islamic-democratic system.

Thursday, March 31, 2022 06:18

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