Imam Khomeini has achieved successes in continuance of the movement of religious revivalism, that other Islamic reformists have achieved less. Imam Khomeini is one of significant revivalists who led the Islamic revolution in Iran and consequently brought about changes in Muslim society and civilization. In this article, distinctive features of Imam Khomeini’s revivalism will be examined.
Monday, March 11, 2024 05:15
Imam Khomeini through his theological works and historical messages maintained that Ghadir is the completion of the religion, the perfection of God’s greatest bounty, the most magnificent feast of Allah; it is the feast for the righteous people, followers and supporters of the holy Prophet of Islam.
Wednesday, July 05, 2023 09:43
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 09:12
Imam through his theological works stressed that the holy month of Ramadan is an Invitation to God's Feast.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 11:31
Monday, March 20, 2023 08:58
A memoirs by Hojjat al-Islam Ashtiani
Saturday, January 28, 2023 11:37
A memoirs about Imam by Mohammad Sadiq Tabataba’ei
Saturday, December 03, 2022 03:21
A memoir by Imam’s domestic servant known as Jafar Mashhadi
Sunday, August 14, 2022 02:30