Imam Khomeini left very deep and insightful works in several fields

Imam Khomeini left very deep and insightful works in several fields

The dynamic thought of the great Imam Khomeini will continue to inspire revolutions and guide the generations to come in various parts of the world.

Monday, July 25, 2022 10:47

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A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thought and Neo-Gramscianism

A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought and ...

The concept of quot global justice quot is a core concept in imam khomeini's thought which substantially contributes to a profound understanding of his ideas . However, understanding other thinkers' points of view in this regard, besides Imam Khomeini, may result in a more comprehensive understanding of this concept. The present study, considering the importance of addressing this challenge, aimed to review the approximation of Imam Khomeini's political thought and that of Neo Gramscian theoreticians about the concept of global justice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 07:38

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Imam Khomeini, unique world leader,  played a significant role in vitalizing the Muslims: Afghan politician

Imam Khomeini, unique world leader, played a significant role in vitalizing the Muslims: Afghan ...

The head of Afghanistan's Justice and Development Party described Imam Khomeini as one of the world's unique leaders, who played a significant role in the Islamic world.

Friday, June 03, 2022 09:55

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Different dimensions of Imam Khomeini`s influential personality at foreign policy

Different dimensions of Imam Khomeini's influential personality at foreign policy

Grand Ayatollah Imam Khomeini, the Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution, has been an irreplaceable figure in the contemporary history of Iran and has had a decisive and fundamental impact on Iran's contemporary political, social and religious arenas.

Wednesday, June 01, 2022 11:54

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Iranians celebrate National Teachers` Day, a  commemoration of  martyr Ayatollah Motahari

Iranians celebrate National Teachers' Day, a commemoration of martyr Ayatollah Motahari

Ordibehesht 12 in the Iranian calendar corresponding with May 1 or 2 is the martyrdom anniversary of one of the most significant ideologists of the Islamic Revolution, Morteza Motahari.

Monday, May 02, 2022 08:56

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Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini`s Will: Determining Ideological Discourse toward EFL Learning.

Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini's Will: Determining Ideological Discourse ...

The researcher showed that Imam Khomeini’s will had a significant inclination toward applying verb tense as a means for ideological act in the text as well as action sentences and passive sentences. Moreover Imam Khomeini enhanced pluralism against individualism.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 03:07

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