Imam Khomeini presented the genuine Islam of Muhammad (PBUH) as a superior model and comprehensive school of thought constituting its foundation on monotheism, which is just and equivalent to 'idalah.
Sunday, January 14, 2018 06:26
Imam Khomeini, the leader of contemporary Muslim world managed to present a general and exhaustive perspective of the genuine Islam of Muhammad (Pbuh) and revived divine principles of justice.
Saturday, January 13, 2018 03:13
Peace Now, an Israeli anti-settlement group that monitors settlement activity in the West Bank, said on Thursday that the approvals were given on Wednesday by a military affairs committee responsible for authorizing settlement construction.
Thursday, January 11, 2018 06:57
Imam Khomeini, the leader of contemporary Muslim world stressed that the purpose and result of the summons of the Seal of the Prophets (peace be upon him) is the perfection of morality.
Sunday, January 07, 2018 02:37
Imam Khomeini, the leader of contemporary Muslim world through his theological works stressed the need for Remembrance of God, the Almighty.
Wednesday, January 03, 2018 10:17
Iranian parliamentarians have approved a double-urgency bill that recognizes Jerusalem al-Quds as the permanent capital of the state of Palestine.
Sunday, December 24, 2017 03:48
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic stressed that human beings are capable of finding the deeper layers of reality.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 04:46
Iran will soon be filing a complaint with the United Nations over a recent move by the United States to claim that missile debris allegedly retrieved in Saudi Arabia is of Iranian origin, says the Iranian defense minister.
Monday, December 18, 2017 06:51