Imam Khomeini introduces himself a humble servant of God

Imam Khomeini introduces himself a humble servant of God

Imam Khomeini in introduction to his famous book "an exposition on Forty Hadith" introduces himself a humble servant of God the Almighty and sought divine assistance before writing the precious work.

Friday, August 04, 2023 12:35

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Head of institute stresses need for comprehending real philosophy of Ashura

Head of institute stresses need for comprehending real philosophy of Ashura

The head of Institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works says that the uprising of Ahura by Imam Hossein (‘a), the grandson of the holy prophet of Islam, is calling towards following his footsteps in a perfect manner and in all arenas.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 11:23

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Imam Khomeini warned against gratifying the carnal appetites and desires

Imam Khomeini warned against gratifying the carnal appetites and desires

Imam Khomeini through his works warned that all our deeds shouldn't serve as the means for satisfying our desires and gratifying the carnal appetites.

Sunday, June 18, 2023 01:00

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Divine prophets advocated for controlling and bridling desires

Divine prophets advocated for controlling and bridling desires

Imam Khomeini through his theological explained that none of the messengers of God have ever demanded to completely kill sensuality and desire or to extinguish the fire of passion or anger and ignore the inventions of imagination.

Thursday, May 04, 2023 12:56

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Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying intentions

Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying intentions

Imam Khomeini recommended the faithful people of purifying their intentions, rectifying their deeds and expelling love of self .

Monday, April 17, 2023 10:37

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The man of faith is optimistic and has a hopeful attitude towards God, Imam Khomeini explained

The man of faith is optimistic and has a hopeful attitude towards God, Imam Khomeini explained

The man of faith is optimistic and has a hopeful attitude towards God, and is satisfied with the way He has divided and apportioned His bounties among His creatures.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 12:55

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