Who were most significant and influential in advancing the revolution agenda?

 A) The masses and different public groups

In the Iranian Islamic movement, neither nationalism and nationalistic trends, especially in its crooked meaning] i. e. the immoral nationalistic trends utilized in some countries to bring up Western-backed regimes [nor political groups and the enlightened intellectual figures and other such elements that are present in other rebellions, had any role at all] in the Islamic Revolution [. This movement originated from among the masses; from among the men and women. And the role of women in this revolution was] actually [no less than the role of men. It could even be] rightly [asserted that the ladies had a bigger share in this revolution as put more effort into it.

Sahifeh, vol13, Page: 23

B) The oppressed and rotten downtrodden people

I must draw the attention of the sirs to this that although they themselves are aware that this deed must be performed with certain tact so that the poor and the deprived do not think that this relief is being provided to them because they are from the lower strata of society. Indeed, they are at the forefront of society. The poor, the needy and the far-flung are of the frontline of society and it was these same slum-dwellers and these same lower strata and this same deprived that brought about this Revolution. It was these that sacrificed all they had in the path of the beloved Islam during the former regime and all of them are now busy.

                        Sahifeh, vol17, Page: 395

D) The women

You respected women and dear girls are welcomed. You Iranian women proved that you were in the vanguards of this movement. You have a great share in our Islamic movement. You are an asset to the future of our country. You raise great men and women. Great men and women are brought up in your laps. You are very dear to the nation. You make efforts in] your [education to become endowed with moral values and practical virtues. You raise capable youths for the future of the country. Your laps are like a school in which noble youths should be trained. You acquire virtues so that your children achieve) correct (education in your lap.

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 461


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