-The Islamic Ummah has awakened and its message would be exported When we say that we want to" export" the Iranian Revolution, we mean to expand this spirituality that has developed in Iran. We want this phenomenon that has emerged in Iran to spread to the other countries. We do not intend to wage war. Iraq has been attacking us for some time now, but we do not attack them at all. They attack us and we defend ourselves. Defense is necessary. We want to disseminate the revolutionary culture and the Islamic movement in all the Muslim countries. And if this happens, all the problems will be solved wherever the revolution spreads. You should endeavor to awaken the nations so that they would be willing to revolt and get ready for all the consequences, like Iran. Those who love their countries and Islam must awaken their nations so that this divine transition that has changed Iran, also moves those nations. Everything will turn out well wherever this change takes place. Sahifeh, vol13, Page: 80