seeking welfare and palatial residences are the sources of deviation

seeking welfare and palatial residences are the sources of deviation

Until now many victories have been achieved and those that caused disruptions inside and outside the country have been crippled; have God willing...

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Explaining the services performed for the people

In this start of the New Year, I would like to extend my congratulations to all the sirs that are present at this gathering, to the entire nation and especially the troops that are engaged in self-sacrifice on the frontlines, the families of the beloved martyrs and to the war disabled and their relatives. I hope that in the same manner that the Blessed and Almighty God right from the start of this movement, guided us step by step on the path of victory, He continues with His favors for the victory of Islam and the Muslims…

Efforts for implementation of spiritualities in society

What has passed is more than what we can describe. However, I shall mention what is to be done from now on. Until now many victories have been achieved and those that caused disruptions inside and outside the country have been crippled; have God willing, been destroyed or shall be destroyed soon. However, what must we do from now on? One subject that is topmost priority is the question of spiritualities. We must strive to implement spiritual values among this beloved nation and among the Muslims, invite the people to spiritual values and invite them to Islamic morals and rituals of Islamic culture. Thank God, our nation is well prepared to pursue spiritual values and so far it has also taken many steps but the road is long and the road to spiritual values is such that a person must strive throughout his life. Perhaps many assume that material comforts and having bank deposits, property or owning land or parks and their likes brings happiness to a person; this is a mistake that a person makes.

The slums are the source of blessings and not the palaces

A person is under the impression that his happiness lies in owning so many orchards; owning so many villages; having money deposited in banks; being so and so in trade; perhaps this is what a person imagines. However, when we take notice and measure happiness, we see that those persons were happy that were dwelling in slums. Those that are in palaces are not happy. The amount of blessings that circulates around the world from the slums are not found at all in the palaces. We had a four to five person slum at the dawn of Islam and that slum dweller was Fatimah Zahra) s (. There are far more humble slums than this one, but what are their blessings? The blessings of this few occupancy slums is such that it has filled the whole universe with radiance and the road is long for a person to attain those blessings. These slum dwellers in their humble slums are at such a lofty level in the field of spirituality that the hands of heavenly beings also cannot reach them. In the field of training, it has been to such an extent that whatever blessings exist in the Muslim lands and especially in lands such as ours is by their blessing. The honorable Prophet himself- may God's peace be upon him and his household- who is at the head of all had a slum-dwelling existence. Do not think that they had a single room like those of the middle-class families of this society. It had a few chambers; humble chambers. In addition, the light of this high-ranking person illuminated the earth and the heavens from this humble chamber and the range of his message extended throughout the world...

Sahifeh, vol 17, Page: 347-349

Date: March 21, 1983 ]Farvardin 1, 1362 AHS/ Jamadi ath-Thani 6, 1403 AH [

Place: Husayniyyah Jamaran, Tehran

Occasion: Iranian New Year Day

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