Imam wanted media to play positive role, be turned into mobile schools

Imam wanted media to play positive role, be turned into mobile schools

A collection of memoirs about Imam Khomeini

It has been reported through a series of memoirs that Imam wanted media to be turned into mobile schools and played a key role in keep people updated about current affairs.

Imam believed that media should also raise people awareness and boost unity among all layers of public.

Imam once told a gathering of reporters and journalists that press, radio, TV and printed media must reflect information and current affairs and raise awareness.

The world religious and spiritual leader of Muslim world said that the media should also be able to prevent the deviant currents and issues in the society.

Media outlets made significant progress after the victory of the Islamic Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini since 1979.

(A collection of memoirs about Imam Khomeini)






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