International Summit Discuss Imam Khomeini Views on Foreign Policy

International Summit Discusses Imam Khomeini Views on Foreign Policy

Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Center for Strategic Research has held an international summit which discusses the various perspectives of foreign policy and diplomacy from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.

The summit comes on the eve of 25th anniversary of heavenly departure of Imam Khomeini.

Several diplomats, dignitaries, political and religious figures from Iran foreign countries presented articles and delivered lectures at the summit of great significance.

The conference was also attended by hundreds of guests attending Imam Khomeini anniversary.

The speakers presented Imam Khomeini’s dynamic thought on the subject and cited from his precious works.

The summit urges a total ban on weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

The academic figure also emphasized that Imam Khomeini the great spiritual and religious leader of the world showed his strong opposition towards developing, keeping or maintaining the WMD.

Imam frequently used to condemn those powers that developed chemical or nuclear weapons for military or war purposes and were proliferating around the world.

Imam expressed on several occasions that the chemical or nuclear weapons have had no place in the Islamic Republic's policy and strategy.

The founder of the Islamic Republic also had forbidden development of any weapons that could harm the humanity on a large scale during peace or war.

The great leader also denounced the imperialistic powers of arming former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons who used these weapons of mass destruction against its own people and the Iranian nation.

After Saddam's attack on Iran on America's instigation Imam asserted that:

"We always make it a point that our response to their attacks should be such that the Iraqi people are not harmed. But in case Iraq oversteps its limits and repeats its aggression, we are resolved and determined to mobilize the people and order them to fight. It will then become clear to the Iraqi people that we have nothing against them and that it is this Saddam Hussein who has attacked us on America's instigation. Our response to his attack will have nothing at all to do with the people of Iraq who are our brothers."

(Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 13, p. 193) 

The Islamic Republic under the wise leadership of the great Imam joined all agreements and treaties that restrict or ban the development or use of such type of arms and weapons.

Imam was pursuing a world free of nuclear arms or the weapons of mass destruction.

The great intellectual and scholar also slammed Israeli regime for developing hundreds of nuclear warheads and posing a great danger to the region. He believed in disarmament of all so-called superpowers and opposed double standard being practiced regarding these type of treaties on the international stage.

Imam maintained that the only way out of regional and international crisis were to hold peace negotiations and dialogue among civilizations. He was against warmongering policies and aggressions being practiced by the colonial powers.

Imam declared that the nations should be given chance to determine their own future and destinies.

He undertook very hard struggle to eradicate poverty and inequality from around the whole world. He was staunch supporter of oppressed people and nations and raised awareness against cruelty and oppression.   



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