Importance of the significant role of women in society

Importance of the significant role of women in society

Congratulations to the honorable people of Iran, particularly the honored women on the occasion of the Woman's Day, the day of dignity of the brilliant elements constituting the cornerstone of human virtues and lofty values of the vicegerent of Allah in the world.

Thursday, March 08, 2012 02:34

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The revolutions of this region are the results of Imam Khomeini’s thoughts

The deputy of the Free Egyptians Party

The revolutions of this region are the results of Imam Khomeini’s thoughts

The recent movements in the Arab countries are the results of Imam Khomeini’s thoughts.

Saturday, February 18, 2012 01:09

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Death sentence to Salman Rushdie, author of the blasphemous book, The Satanic Verses

Death sentence to Salman Rushdie, author of the blasphemous book, The Satanic Verses

Death sentence to Salman Rushdie, author of the blasphemous book, The Satanic Verses

February 14th coincides with the anniversary of the historic verdict of Imam Khomeini on Salman Rushdie, the author of the "The Satanic Verses"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 02:38

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The anniversary of the Revolution

Explaining the greatness of the Revolution

The anniversary of the Revolution

The twenty-second of Bahman is the preface to the victory of the nation of Iran over the arrogant oppressors and plunderers. Bahman 22 is the preface to the decline of the oppressive machinery of the evil" Taghoutis" and Bahman 22 is the preface to the rule of God over the world. Bahman 22 is the preface to the hoisting of banner of Islamic justice and the awakening of the oppressed. Congratulations to the great country and great nation of Iran and to all the Muslims, the oppressed and the deprived.

Saturday, February 11, 2012 02:48

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 Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Today, in this small, yet luminous and great meeting all schools of Muslims including our Sunni and Shi`ite brothers, universities and theological seminaries and different strata of people have assembled. This is an example of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution God has bestowed upon all of us. By His grace we have became brothers. The universities, that used to be apart from seminaries, are today united with them. It is hoped that this unity will remain forever Sunni and Shi`ite brothers have initiated the unity of expression and I hope this unity will remain till the end.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 02:50

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Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive politico-religious Hajj congregation

Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive ...

In fact, the blessed feast is the day the Muslims of the world are emancipated from the hegemony of tyrants and world-devourers thanks to the wakefulness of Muslims and the commitment of Muslim `ulama'. This great goal is feasible when different aspects of Islamic laws can be presented to the oppressed people, acquainting nations with Islam and not losing opportunities for this great fateful matter.

Monday, November 07, 2011 03:35

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Ayatollah Khamenei`s Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

Ayatollah Khamenei's Hajj message

Ayatollah Khamenei's Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei issued a statement to the Hajj congress and pilgrims. In this statement Ayatollah Khamenei talked of the recent movements and uprisings in the Arab World and stated that these uprisings were due to the Islamic awakening of different societies. Furthermore he added that in order for these uprisings to be successful, people must be resolute and must not be fooled by the deceit or trickery used by some powerful countries to break up their unity. Without unity and persistence no uprising can achieve anything.

Sunday, November 06, 2011 03:13

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Death (1989)

Death (1989)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:51

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