Imam Hussein, the Highest of Martyrs, in the View of Some Orientalists and Intellectuals (2)

Imam Hussein, the Highest of Martyrs, in the View of Some Orientalists and Intellectuals (2)

The great personality of Imam Hussein and his act of bravery in Karbala have been frequently debated by the intellectuals and thinkers of different nationalities. A series of these opinions will be chronologically available on our website for the respected viewers. This one, however, deals with the ideas of two scholars

Monday, December 03, 2012 11:00

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The Anniversary of the Demise of Imam Khomeini Observed in Cuba

The Anniversary of the Demise of Imam Khomeini Observed in Cuba

Iranian Ambassador to Cuba named Imam’s piety and conduct as the main wealth of the Islamic revolution and the base of all its achievements at the ceremony held to commemorate Imam Khomeini.

Thursday, June 07, 2012 02:29

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Imam Khomeini`s historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

The return of Imam Khomeini to Tehran after fifteen years in exile

Imam Khomeini's historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

We should thank all the strata of the society for bringing this victory up to this stage by means of their unanimity. We should all understand that the secret of this victory is the unanimity among Muslims- all of them-, the unanimity of religious minorities with the Muslims, the solidarity of universities and educational schools, the solidarity of the clergy and the political factions.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012 02:52

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Imam Khomeini`s departure from Paris to go to Tehran

Gratitude to the French nation and government

Imam Khomeini's departure from Paris to go to Tehran

I hope I will never forget the hospitality of the French nation and government and their freedom-loving sense. I would like to extend my apology to the neighbors and the local people of Neauphle-le-Chateau for all the inconvenience I have caused them. I hope they will approve of the esteem in which I hold them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 02:54

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Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The auspicious feast of Ghadeer Khumm

Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact, Ghadir is something the Imam created. This noble personality and fountainhead of sound human qualities prompted the Ghadeer to take place. Ghadeer has no value for the Imam. That which is valuable is the Imam himself. It has been known to Almighty God that after the Messenger of Allah there is no one among men who could implement justice in a pleasing and efficient manner. He commissioned the Messenger of Allah to appoint this person who had the power to implement justice in its true sense in the society and have a divine government.

Monday, November 14, 2011 03:34

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