The Research Department of the Institute holds an International Congress to answer the queries on the efficiency and productivity of a religious system to provide individuals and the society with civil rights and social freedoms.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 03:44
The Cultural and Art Department of the Institute holds an International Literary Festival namely Yaroyadegar as a great need is being felt for new writers with fresh ideas to write and compile works with regard to Imam’s ideals.
Saturday, January 03, 2015 01:41
Imam Khomeini maintained that supplications by infallible successor of the honorable prophet contain treasure of mysticism and Quranic interpretation.
Saturday, December 27, 2014 12:32
Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic once advised his son to undertake divine considerations while accepting a governmental position.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 02:36
Imam Khomeini poetic verses and letters written to some of his own family members contain mystical treasures and deep insightful wisdom.
Monday, December 08, 2014 02:55
Imam Khomeini, the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world frequently used to emphasize on explaining the real message and objectives of the Quranic verses
Sunday, December 07, 2014 02:25
The founder of the Islamic Republic said in a historic interview with the British broadcaster that the sources of his power are the public and masses.
Thursday, December 04, 2014 11:13
The founder of the Islamic Republic used to praise Ayatollah Seyed Hassan Modarres personality due to his knowledge of the Islamic disciplines and command over the political affairs.
Tuesday, December 02, 2014 12:36