Imam Khomeini taught the nation self-reliance: President Rouhani

Imam Khomeini taught the nation self-reliance: President Rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has praised the great role of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, saying Imam Khomeini taught the nation self-reliance, obedience to the law, and good manners.

Monday, September 15, 2014 12:29

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Institute Promoted Imam Khomeini Dynamic Works

Institute Promoted Imam Khomeini Dynamic Works

The institute for compilation and publications of Imam Khomeini's works played vital role in promoting dynamic works, speeches and messages of the founder of the Islamic Republic over the past few years.

Monday, September 08, 2014 12:24

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Imam Khomeini hailed sacrifices by prisoners of war

Imam Khomeini hailed sacrifices by prisoners of war

Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic frequently hailed relentless sacrifices rendered by Iranian forces fell prisoners into hands of the then Bathis regime of Iraq during the imposed war.

Sunday, August 17, 2014 04:38

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Book sheds light on Imam`s progressive political thought

Book sheds light on Imam's progressive political thought

A precious book containing the modern and progressive political thought has been published in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf.

Friday, July 04, 2014 01:32

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An Analysis of the Quds Day

An Analysis of the Quds Day

One of the precious and irreplaceable heritage issues of Imam Khomeini is the universal and international day of Quds. The announcement of such an issue in a special time framework origins from Imam Khomeini's deep political thought and pure mystical inception.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014 07:42

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The Ambassador of Indonesia Visit Imam Khomeini’s Historic House in Khomein

The Ambassador of Indonesia Visit Imam Khomeini’s Historic House in Khomein

The Indonesian envoy was also briefed about the history of house and were also told that how the great Imam spent his childhood there before moving to Iraq, Qom and other cities of Iran for further education.

Saturday, June 21, 2014 10:51

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Imam Khomeini, role-model for all peace-loving nations: Iranian president

Imam Khomeini, role-model for all peace-loving nations: Iranian president

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says all those people who want to establish justice, peace and friendship among nations should adopt Imam Khomeini's personality and his dynamic thought as role model for their actions.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014 01:53

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Indian Delegation Arrives to Attend Imam Khomeini Ceremony

Indian Delegation Arrives to Attend Imam Khomeini Ceremony

An Indian delegation comprising of academic figures, religious personalities and political dignitaries have arrived in the Iranian capital Tehran in order to attend the 25th anniversary of heavenly departure of Imam Khomeini.

Saturday, May 31, 2014 07:02

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