The present paper will explain the religious democracy in the ideologies of leaders of the Islamic republic of Iran (Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei), with in three theoretical, principles and components of religious democracy. In the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and ayatollah Khamenei there is a firm link between religion and politics, and democracy originates from religion.
Monday, January 17, 2022 10:22
In achieving the goals of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini has paid special attention to the people and public mobilization based on Islamic education. Therefore, research on social capital from the perspective of Imam Khomeini's educational thought has valuable points that are based on can He realized the specific features of Imam Khomeini's educational thought in this field.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 06:19
The founder of the Islamic Republic undertook serious efforts and took very concrete solid and steps to strengthen the educational system, cultural and academic institutions.
Wednesday, March 04, 2020 11:56
The founder of the Islamic Republic has had well command over several discipline of knowledge and his dynamic thought were comprehensive and all-inclusive.
Sunday, March 01, 2020 09:29
According to Imam Khomeini, curbing the instincts does not mean that their existence is not necessary. Instead, they must be endured. If it is so, there is no need then to preserve them, and the policy of eliminating them is the best one.
Sunday, December 29, 2019 10:25
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic on several occasions issued special recommendations and guidelines for relevant authorities in order to improve literacy rate in Iran. Iran became the most literate country of the Mideast region under his wise leadership.
Monday, January 01, 2018 07:45
Due to Imam Khomeini’s special attention to education sector and wise educational policies, literacy rate was dramatically improved and special opportunities were initiated at primary and higher educational levels.
Saturday, December 30, 2017 03:56
An Armenian intellectual says the world public regardless of their various affiliations support Imam Khomeini’s stance against global arrogance.
Friday, July 21, 2017 12:13