We are the lover’s creation and the cup’s adopted son,

We are perfect in sacrificing and being drunkard for the beloved.

We are the lover’s creation and the cup’s adopted son,

We are perfect in sacrificing and being drunkard for the beloved.

Lovelorn of the tavern and the shame's victim we are,

We are slaves at the court of the Magian elder.

While being the beloved’s cohabitant, we are suffering from her separation,

We are drowned in union and are in everlasting separation.

Poor and simple, but involved in colour wear,

We are unknown but looking for reputation.

With the Sufi, mystic and dervish we are in war,

With the science, philosophy and speech we have altercation.

We are isolated from the people and from school separated,

We are rejected by the knowledgeable and hated by the common.

We back the existence and the existence obtainer,

We have accompanied non-existence from the very beginning.

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