Blessings of the lunar months of Rajab, Sha‘bān and Ramdān.

Blessings of the lunar months of Rajab, Sha‘bān and Ramdān.

These three blessed lunar months of Rajab, Sha‘bān and Ramadān have plenty of bounties for persons that are capable of taking advantage of these blessings. However, the origin of all is the Prophetic mission and following it, all the aspects that are present. In the month of Rajab, the great Prophet ic mission and birthday of mawlā ‘Alī ibn Abītālib—may God’s peace be upon him—and some of the other Imāms are celebrated. In the month of Sha‘bān it is the birthday of His Holiness the Doyen of the Martyrs —may God’s peace be upon him—and of His Holiness the Twelfth Imām—may our souls be sacrificed for him—while in the blessed month of Ramadān, the descent of the Qur’an and its revelation in the blessed heart of the honorable Prophet is commemorated. The tongues, intellects and the minds cannot gauge the moral distinction of these three months. Among the blessings of these months are the supplications that are recommended for these months.

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, V 17, P 428

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