19th of Dey in the Holy City of Qom

19th of Dey in the Holy City of Qom

Opposition to this article culminated in the uprising by the people of Qom on January 9, 1978 (Dey 19, 1356 AHS) during which a number of revolutionary religious students were killed.

Sunday, January 06, 2013 02:57

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Role of Imam Khomeini in Formation of Shia Ideology

Role of Imam Khomeini in Formation of Shia Ideology

In the course of the Islamic Revolution, Shia Islam functioned as a guiding and emancipating ideology. In this connection, Imam Khomeini's role as the great ideologist of the Islamic Revolution is very outstanding.

Sunday, January 06, 2013 01:17

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Imam predicted the collapse of communism

Imam predicted the collapse of communism

Imam Khomeini, the great religious and spiritual leader of the Islamic World had predicted the collapse of Communism and sudden fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) though his political wisdom.

Monday, December 31, 2012 02:00

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Imam Khomeini never surrendered to Global Arrogance

Ayatollah Khamenei recalls an interesting memory about the Imam:

Imam Khomeini never surrendered to Global Arrogance

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has emphasized that the great Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic never was scared from global arrogance and imperialist powers.

Monday, December 24, 2012 09:05

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Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini’s movement which had started on the evening of Ashura in 1342 AHS reached its highest point at the month of Muharram in 1358 AHS. Imam’s historical massage for the Islamic revolution manifested itself in the slogan of “the blood’s triumph over the sword.”

Monday, November 26, 2012 04:09

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The Islamic revolution of Iran was realized according to a new interpretation of Ashura

The Islamic revolution of Iran was realized according to a new interpretation of Ashura

In the end come conclusions, which suggest that: Iran's Islamic revolution was started and developed base on Imam's new interpretation of notions such as independence, freedom, justice, and reservation, prevention of evil and promotion of good. Imam's new interpretation of Ahsura also contributed to this process.

Friday, November 23, 2012 08:20

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An Introduction to Institute of Imam Khomeini (1)

An Introduction to Institute of Imam Khomeini (1)

Since 1996, the institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic revolution, dependent on the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works, started working to introduce Imam Khomeini's ideas, doing researches about the different dimensions of Imam's life and notions inside and outside of the country and training the researchers on this field.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 04:16

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Imam wanted the Muslims to be United


Imam wanted the Muslims to be United

Abdolmarzooq, a Sri Lankan lawyer who is also a judge was interviewed by Imam Khomeini English Portal.

Monday, August 20, 2012 07:55

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