A Poem By Ima Khomeini on the Occasion of the Blessed Month of Ramadan

A Poem By Imam Khomeini on the Occasion of the Blessed Month of Ramadan

" The Wine of Ramadan " is a poem by Imam Khomeini on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.

     The Wine of Ramadan


       There came the month of Ramadān.

The wine and the tavern died out.

       The time for love and merriment and for wine

was switched to the pre-dawn hours.

            The pīr of the tavern and I

 broke our fast with wine.

            I told him that your fasting

is in days of leaves and fruits.

            Make your ablution with wine

for according to the religion

of the rogues,

            In the presence of the Truth,

this, your deed,

shall become fruitful.


                                                            Sha‘ban 29, 1407 AHS

                                                            [April 28, 1987]

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